How to Install an SSL Certificate in Thinfinity VirtualUI

How to Install an SSL Certificate in Thinfinity VirtualUI

Product: Thinfinity VirtualUI 
Version: 3 and above


An SSL certificate is an effective way to secure a website against unauthorized data interception. In its simplest form, it is used to identify the website and encrypt all data flowing to and from the certificate holder's website.
Thinfinity VirtualUI supports the PFX format for SSL certificates.
PEM certificates typically have extensions like .crt, .cer, and .key.
They are Base64 encoded ASCII files and contain "--BEGIN CERTIFICATE--" and "--END CERTIFICATE--" statements.
You can use OpenSSL to convert the certificate file (PEM format), private key, and CA file (chain certificate) along with a passphrase into a single PFX-type certificate.

Learn how to create an SSL certificate in the following tutorial starting from step 2:


To install an SSL certificate, follow these steps:
  • Open the VirtualUI Server Manager and if you already have an HTTPS protocol set up, double-click it, otherwise create one by clicking Add.

  • When the Binding window appears, click New.

  • You can choose to create your own self-signed certificate, create a certificate request, or import a certificate.

Create a self-signed certificate

  • Click on Create a self-signed certificate and the following window will display.

 Complete each of the following fields with your applicable information:
. Country Code: The two-letter country code of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 3166).
. State: Full, unabbreviated name of the state or province in which your organization is located.
. Locality: Full, unabbreviated name of the city in which your organization is located.
. Organization: The name under which your company is legally registered.
. Organizational Unit: Use this field to distinguish between departments within an organization.
. Common Name: The domain name or URL with which you plan to use this certificate.
. E-mail Address: The company email address.
. Bits: We recommend using a 2048 length key.
  • When finished, click Create
IMPORTANT: Note that this certificate is not issued by a known Certificate Authority (CA), so web browsers will warn you that they cannot verify its authority.
Since this is not a certificate issued by a known CA, you will receive a warning when accessing the portal; to avoid this, you can add it as a trusted certificate in the Microsoft Certificate Store. This certificate would need to be installed on all devices that want to connect.

Create a certificate request

  • After you click Create a Certificate Request, you'll need to fill out the following form:
  • When finished, click Create
Upon completion of the certificate request process, two files are created: Request Key and Private Key.
Request Key: This information must be sent to the Certificate Authority (CA).
Private key: You need the private key to merge the certificate into a PFX format file after the CA sends you the PEM certificate.
You can then purchase your certificate from GoDaddy, VeriSign, Thawte, GeoTrust, Let's Encrypt or a similar provider.
Once you have the certificate, you need to import it into Thinfinity VirtualUI.
We recommend that you use the PFX format for your certificate.

Import certificate

  • When you click Import Certificate, the Certificate Import Wizard opens. Once inside, click Next.

  • Select the certificate you want to import, and then click Next.
  • Now, enter the password for the certificate and click Next.

  • Then select the option Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate.
  • Verify that the correct selections are displayed, and then click Finish.

Now you are all set up! You have configured your SSL certificate.


Finally, this article provides a detailed guide on how to install an SSL certificate on Thinfinity VirtualUI. The importance of an SSL certificate cannot be underestimated as it serves as a protective shield against unauthorized data interception. By identifying the website and encrypting all incoming and outgoing data, it ensures the security and integrity of the website.
If you have any further inquiries or need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always available to help address any questions or concerns you may have.

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