Have a Python application and want to run it on the web? Thinfinity® VirtualUI is a windows software virtualization solution. By adding a piece of code to your Python app source you can then run it within a web browser and access it from any OS. Run your regular desktop applications from your browser, without even having to install them on the computer! Let’s learn more about this HTML5 solution for Python apps!
In order to move your Python application to the web with VirtualUI, you’ll need to add some code lines to your application.
First, we need to add an import from win32com.client:
import win32com.client
Then, create an object calling the Thinfinity.VirtualUI library:
self.VirtualUI = win32com.client.Dispatch(“Thinfinity.VirtualUI”)
Below you’ll find a link for a demo for VirtualUI with Python:
In order for the demo to work, you’ll need to install VirtualUI on the development machine where Python is installed.
Once you modify the application, you need to publish the application like this:
If you have any further inquiries or need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always available to help address any questions or concerns you may have.