Take your software written in Delphi to web, in minutes!
In this article, we will show you how to adapt your Delphi application, Windows-based, so you can run it in the cloud (as if it was 100% HTML5) with
Thinfinity VirtualUI.
If you are ready to convert your Win32 apps written in Delphi into a pure web app, let’s start!
First, we will see how to start the app within the development environment.
1. Open Delphi.
2. Open the application’s project.
3. Add the VirtualUI_AutoRun unit to the ‘Uses’ clause of the project source file. This unit will typically be located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinfinity\VirtualUI\dev\Delphi folder.
- program MyApp;
- uses
- Windows,
- Forms,
- VirtualUI_AutoRun,
- MyApp.Main in MyApp.Main.pas' {Form1};
- {$R *.res}
- begin
- Application.Initialize;
- Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
- Application.Runend.
4. Compile the program and run it in debug mode.
You will see this message:
If you press the ‘Start Web Browser’ button, a web browser will open pointing to the application. The application will also open in desktop mode.
You may need to register a trial license for the VirtualUI Development Server, if you need help with this point
contact us.
5. Alternatively, choose to not show the message and observe on the Windows tray bar that the Thinfinity VirtualUI Development Server icon will appear.
6. Right-click on the icon, and after that click on the ‘Open Web Browser’ menu.
A Web browser window will open and your application will be running inside.
Now you can build the .exe of the app and add it to VirtualUI’s server manager.
If you have any further inquiries or need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always available to help address any questions or concerns you may have.