productName | text | Text to show in the browser title bar, or as tab window content, when the user opens multiple web pages in a single window. |
Variable | Use |
--primary-color | Default value: #007DC1 Buttons, links, highlights, icons. |
--dark-primary-color | Default value: #004468 Hover on buttons, titles, active tabs. |
--light-primary-color | Default value: #CEE8F6 Hover on menus, dark-primary-color background. |
--secondary-color | Default value: #4ECC64 |
--tertiary-color | Default value: #DA9963 |
Variable | Use |
--hover-bgcolor | Default value: #F2F2F2 Profile hover, float menu, items hover. |
--header-bgcolor | Default value: --primary-bgcolor App header. |
--toolbar-bgcolor | Default value: --tertiary-bgcolor Toolbar. |
--sidepanel-header-bgcolor | Default value: --header-bgcolor |
--sidepanel-bgcolor | Default value: --secondary-bgcolor |
--menu-bgcolor | Default value: --secondary-bgcolor Side menu. |
--dialog-bgcolor | Default value: --secondary-bgcolor |
--submenu-bgcolor | Default value: --tertiary-bgcolor |
--light-mode-entity-bg | Default value: #5DB3E216 Profile background with custom icon. Replace light-mode with the appropriate theme class: (--MyOwnTheme-entity-bg). This is a dynamic class and is built from the theme class that uses it. |
--bg-image | Default value: url("<%=@BASEURL%>__themes__/BackgroundImg.png ") URL of the main panel background image. Replace BackgroundImg.png with the appropriate filename. |
--bg-size | Default value: contain Size of the background image (auto/contain/cover/inherit/initial/revert/unset). |
--bg-blend-mode | Default value: none Background image blend mode (Use demo |
Variable | Use |
--button-bgcolor | Default value: --primary-color Background color of the primary action button. |
--button-txtcolor | Default value: #FFFFFF Text color. |
--button-bgcolor-h | Default value: --dark-primary-color Background color on hover. |
--button-txtcolor-h | Default value: #FFFFFF Text color on hover. |
--outline-button-color | Default value: --button-bgcolor Text color and border of the secondary action button. |
--outline-button-bgcolor-h | Default value: --button-bgcolor-h Background color on hover. |
--outline-button-color-h | Default value: --button-txtcolor-h Text color on hover. |
--special-button | Default value: #FFFFFF |
--switcher-button | Default value: #ADADAD |
Variable | Use |
--link-color | Default value: --primary-color |
--link-color-h | Default value: #5DB4E2 |
--menu-selected-color | Default value: --dark-primary-color Text and border color. |
--menu-selected-bgcolor | Default value: --light-primary-color Background color. |
Variable | Use |
--primary-txtcolor | Default value: --bgcolor Menu, general texts, profile names, etc. |
--secondary-txtcolor | Default value: #ADADAD Clearer texts, for example the icons that appear below in the profiles. |
--heading-color | Default value: --dark-primary-color Headers. |
Variable | Use |
--border-color | Default value: #ADADAD Borders. |
--light-border-color | Default value: #C4C4C4 Lighter borders. |
--separator | Default value: #B2B2B2 Separators. |
Variable | Use |
--table-header-bgcolor | Default value: --hover-bgcolor Table header background color. |
--table-body-bgcolor | Default value: --secondary-bgcolor Table body background color. |
--table-body-bgcolor-h | Default value: --tertiary-bgcolor Background color of rows on hover. |
Variable | Use |
--disabled | Default value: #ADADAD Disabled buttons or texts. |
--danger | Default value: #DC4847 Errors, Danger buttons. |
--alert | Default value: #F17C1C Warnings. |
--allowed | Default value: #4ECC64 Success messages. |
--shadow-color | #00000019 Shadows. |
Variable | Use |
--desktop-logo | Default value: url("<%=@BASEURL%>__themes_ _/YourLogo.svg ") Replace "YourLogo.svg" with the name of the appropriate file. Remember that this file must be located in the folder defined for the .css file. It will be used in the product portal where the connections are displayed. |
--mobile-logo | Default value: url("<%=@BASEURL%>_ _themes__/YourMobileLogo.svg ") Logo used in the header in mobile and in the connections with the semi-folded side menu. |
--login-logo | Default value: url("<%=@BASEURL%>__themes__/YourLogo.svg ") Logo on the login box. |
--logo-bg-size | Default value: contain Logo size. (auto/contain/cover/inherit/initial/revert/unset) |