Effortlessly Manage Azure VM Templates in Thinfinity: A User-Friendly Guide

Template Manager

The VM Templates pane within Thinfinity presents a potent toolset for adding and managing Virtual Machine (VM) Templates. This feature-rich interface streamlines the integration of Terraform VM Templates into your virtual environment, offering the flexibility to provision and manage VMs across various cloud platforms including Azure, AWS, GCP, and IONOS.


Template Details

  • ID: This field displays the name of the Template. It serves as a primary identifier for each template in your repository.
  • Description: Here, you can view a brief description of the Template, providing insights into its purpose and configuration.
  • Provider: This column indicates 'Azure' as your chosen cloud provider, aligning your template selection with your cloud infrastructure.

  • Actions: In this section, options are available to modify (edit) or remove (delete) Templates. These functionalities offer flexibility in managing your VM Templates portfolio.

Adding New Templates

ID Entry: Assign a distinct and descriptive name or identifier to your new Template for easy identification and differentiation from existing templates.
Description Entry: Furnish a comprehensive description of the new Template, elucidating its intended use-case or particular configurations that set it apart.
Credential Selection: opt for a relevant set of pre-registered credentials (App Registration) from the provided list. This step ensures the Template is correctly linked with the suitable Azure credentials.
Template Type: Specify that the Template type is 'Terraform', indicating the use of Terraform technology for infrastructure as code.

Uploading Your Terraform .tf Template

Step 1: Define Template Parameters Begin by specifying the ID and providing a detailed Description for your project. Next, select the appropriate credentials that correspond to your chosen cloud platform

Step 2: Prepare Your Terraform (.tf) Files Prepare your .tf files, which are crucial for describing the infrastructure you intend to manage using Terraform. Ensure that these files are accurately written and include all necessary configurations and correct syntax.

Step 3: Uploading Your Terraform Template After preparing your .tf files:
Navigate to the template upload section on the platform.

Use the ‘Upload’ option to browse and select your .tf files from your local device.
Proceed with uploading the .tf files, watching for any progress indicators or confirmation messages to ensure a successful upload.

Reference Material: For assistance in creating your Terraform template, you can refer to these examples of Terraform files. They serve as practical guides to help structure and define your template effectively
