USB redirection allows users to connect external USB devices to an endpoint and access them within a remote desktop or application. Follow these steps to enable USB redirection for USB drives (e.g., pen drives) in Thinfinity® Workspace:
1. Navigate to the Thinfinity Workspace directory: C:\Program Files\Thinfinity\Workspace\bin64.
2. Create a file named Thinfinity.Params.ini
. Open the file, add the lines shown below then save the file.
- [USBRedirection]
- Enabled=true
3. Navigate to the following path to edit the web.settings.js file: C:\Program Files\Thinfinity\Workspace.
4. Add the following line to enable web USB functionality:
Accessing USB Devices through Thinfinity Workspace
1. Open your Thinfinity Workspace connection in a browser.
2. Use the Thinfinity toolbox to connect to the USB device.
You should see a confirmation window in your browser, indicating that USB redirection is active.