How to use Thinfinity Remote Workspace One-Time URL Test application

How to use Thinfinity Remote Workspace One-Time URL Test application

Along with the feature to generate OT URLs, Thinfinity Workspace includes a very useful application tool that allows you to create, customize and test the way one-time disposable links work.
The tool is already included with the Thinfinity Workspace installation Primary Broker environment.

You can access this by using your Remote Workspace environment URL in the following way:


For example: “ 

In this configuration menu, you will be able to set all the parameters available for OT URL generation. You can find more information regarding these parameters and their description here: How to configure One-Time URL in Thinfinity Workspace

The additional custom parameters are not mandatory, you can just leave those on “Default”.

Testing One-Time URL generation

1. Access the respective OT URL for your environment.

2. Fill in the Server URL field for your environment.

3. Fill in the APIKey field. You can get/edit this value from the file on your device:

X:\ProgramData\Cybele Software\Thinfinity\Workspace\DB\settings.ini

For more information on how to find/modify the key go here

4. Fill in the Profile Access Key of the profile that you want to access through the OT URL. You can find the Access Key by opening the Profile Editor on your Thinfinity Configuration Manager in the Primary Broker.


Fill in the Profile Virtual Path which can also be found on each Profile configuration editor within Thinfinity Configuration Manager:

6. Password Length: this is the key pass character length for the secret of the password that is generated for the OT URL. You can either leave it on the recommended default (8) or change it to a higher number.

7. Additional Custom Parameters:These are included in our test application and you can use them to enable/disable features that modify your Workspace experience.

8. Once you have set everything up, click on “GENERATE” to get the One-Time URL in the field below. You can keep using the same information to generate new URLs.

If you have any further inquiries or need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always available to help address any questions or concerns you may have.

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